PATHLOSS (Microwave Network design software)

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PATHLOSS program is full Microwave Network design software. For our work we shall use PATHLOSS for the following

  • Make Network Configuration
  • Make Path Profile to find antenna height in each station
  • Calculate Link Budget to find Antenna diameters , RX level & Link Availability
  • Frequency Plan for overall network
  • Frequency Interference calculations  for overall network

Hardware Requirements

Additional Features 

nad NADCON - NAD27 NAD83 Conversion

The March 2001 build of the Pathloss program now uses NADCON data to transform latitudes and longitudes between the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27) and the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The transformation is only valid in the United States territorial limits. NADCON is the United States Federal standard for NAD27 to NAD83 datum transformations.

topo Map Grid Module

A new site network display module named “Map Grid” has been added in the May 2001 program build. This operates in parallel with the existing network module. The map grid module uses fixed projections to display the network sites with both backdrops and elevations. The backdrops can be in either a TIFF or Windows bit map (BMP) format. The elevations must be in the Odyssey - Planet BIL format. This feature is available as part of the microwave interference or area coverage option.


cl Multipath and Rain Fade Correlation

The interference fade margin / threshold degradation has been split into two separate components for rain and multipath. Default correlation values can be assigned for cases where the main and interference paths are spatially correlated. A correlation editor is provided which graphically displays each interference case in the network module. This feature is available as part of the microwave interference option.


SESR, BBER and ESR performance calculations for SDH radio links has been implemented to accommodate the additional radio data required for G.826 calculations. The format of the following files has been changed.

  • Pathloss data files (pl4)
  • Microwave radio data files (raf and mrs)
  • Microwave radio lookup tables (mrd)
  • The May 2001 build program can read these data files and all previous versions. Pathloss programs prior to the May 2001 build will not be able to read the new files.



  • Automated network transmission design
  • Dynamic network outage analysis
  • Network stability testing for adaptive APTC radios
  • Composite interference analysis under simulated rain conditions
  • This feature is available to M/W interference module users only
    ntw Network background display

    With the January 2000 and newer maintenance release the user can now have a terrain image as a background in the network display. A new Add Site feature adds a new site directly on the network display. In conjunction with the network background, this feature will be useful in the initial planning stages.

    usa For Pathloss users in the United States, the program ships with compressed 3 second terrain data for the United States and Alaska on a single CD-ROM. This data has been taken directly from the USGS 1:250,000 DEMS.
    wrld As a convenience to Pathloss users, the program ships with USGS GTOPO30 data for the world (except for the Antarctic region). The header and elevation data files are supplied in the native USGS format on two CD-ROMS.

    Related Links

    1. Sites Data Entry & Creation of Network

    2. Link by Link PATHLOSS Files Creation

    3. Terrain Data & Obstruction Entry and Finding Suitable Antenna Heights

    4. Link Budget Calculations

    5. Frequency Interference Calculations for the Network

    6. MSI PLANET Terrain Data UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator ) Projection

    7. Configuration Terrain Database and Geographic Defaults

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